
Lag B'omer BBQ

Sunday, May 26, 6pm
Registration price for adults $25
Registration price for children $12

Join us for Lag B'omer Celebration - Fun for the whole Family:
Delicious BBQ, Spike ball, Games & crafts for kids, Bow and Arrow. Music, L'chaim and more!!

Suggested Donation: $25 per adult, $12 per child

Lag B'Omer marks the passing of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, one of the greatest sages of the Talmud and the author of the holy Zohar, the classic work of Kabbalah. He was the first to publicly teach the mystical dimension of Judaism.
While the passing of a great sage might seem like a strange reason for a global celebration, Rabbi Shimon specifically asked his followers to be joyous on his Yahrtzeit.
On the day of a person‘s passing, his or her entire life’s work, good deeds and teachings ascend to higher spiritual realms. It is a time when the soul reconnects to higher levels of G-dliness, the source of life. This is the reason Rabbi Shimon asked that this day be remembered as a joyous day – to celebrate the elevation of his soul to higher spiritual levels.
With all the challenges facing humanity today, especially the Jewish people, it is fitting to rededicate ourselves to celebrating our Jewishness in a way that demonstrates – to ourselves, our children, and the world at large – that Am Yisrael Chai, the Jewish people lives!

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